Be part of our History

Send us your stories or testimonials and help us to document and celebrate the 200th anniversary of Vista Alegre.


The 200th anniversary of Vista Alegre is a moment to celebrate the company’s history and vast heritage, as well as the history of the founding family and, above all, of the community that has always been part of Vista Alegre.
How does it work
In order to turn this celebration into a cooperation project, we are launching an open invitation to all those who love the brand to share their stories with us. The purpose is to intellectually enhance and promote the national and European ceramic culture by collecting personal memories and knowledge of one of the oldest and most emblematic industries still operating. The initiative ‘’Faça parte da nossa História’’ [Be part of our history] does not aim at financially assessing the pieces and private collections.
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The purpose is to intellectually enhance and promote the national and European ceramic culture

by collecting personal memories and knowledge of one of the oldest and most emblematic industries still operating.

The initiative ‘’Faça parte da nossa História’’ [Be part of our history] does not aim at financially assessing the pieces and private collections.

Vista Alegre
200 years of History

To be part of this initiative and help us revive 200 years of Vista Alegre History, you may register in our website and share your information.

Vista Alegre Museum
Digital Archive

Your contribution is essential to create the Digital Archive of the Vista Alegre Museum, which will group the contents of the company’s History, and which make it accessible to all.


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    Museum Hours

    9:30–6:00, Monday Until 8:00

    Museum Location

    2270 S Real Camino Lake California

    Opening Hours

    2270 S Real Camino Lake
    California, US 90967

    Open Tomorrow

    from 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.

    Os 200 anos da Vista Alegre são um momento de celebração da História da empresa e do seu vasto património, da História da família fundadora e, acima de tudo, da comunidade de pessoas que fizeram e fazem parte do mundo Vista Alegre.