A collection of Vista Alegre animals that fill your home with joy and life.

Start Date
22 de February, 2025

Here at home, there are nearly 200 Vista Alegre animals, almost as many as the years the brand has been around. When my daughter was younger, she used to organise guided tours of the cupboards and shelves, which would earn her a few bucks, invariably with her grandparents being the most enthusiastic visitors...

These animals fill the house with life, lots of colour and good cheer. They are everywhere, they come to the table and take part in family celebrations. And they have a boss, Chefão Pato [Bossy Duck], the owner of all this who, as well as having his own Facebook page, is the mascot of a vintage group where “Sold” and “Reserved” signs are his “face”.

I’m happy to repay Vista Alegre for the joy this collection has given me since 2012. I’m sending several photos, divided up. We’ll start with the “habitats”, trips to the table and “studio” sessions we did with this initiative in mind. Congratulations, Vista Alegre!

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Museum Hours

9:30–6:00, Monday Until 8:00

Museum Location

2270 S Real Camino Lake California

Opening Hours

2270 S Real Camino Lake
California, US 90967

Open Tomorrow

from 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.

Os 200 anos da Vista Alegre são um momento de celebração da História da empresa e do seu vasto património, da História da família fundadora e, acima de tudo, da comunidade de pessoas que fizeram e fazem parte do mundo Vista Alegre.